Teachers-and students-Guide to Everything Quadratic
Details: 100 pages
Availability: UNDER REVISION! Coming soon.
A comprehensive guide to everything one might ever want to do with quadratics in the standard high-school curriculum.
PART I: The Algebra of Quadratics
Don’t memorise the quadratic formula! That is way too hard and too far removed from true understanding!
(How about the cubic formula? We derive that too in this section – just for kicks.)
PART II: Graphing Quadratics
The easy way to graph quadratics.
The easy way to figure out a vertex without memorizing the vertex formula!
[And just for fun … How to graph complex roots!]
PART III: Fitting Quadratics to Data
Got three points? Want a quadratic to pass through them? Just write down the answer! (No fussing with calculators or messy systems of equations!)